One Message
One People
One World

Can we imagine a single year in our human existence with no hate, no conflict, no war & no struggles. Just peace? We believe we can achieve that & we believe in the power of peace to permeate throughout the planet, piercing through the armour of hate & war, reaching the hearts & minds of all. If we all choose to believe that too, peace will surely be unstoppable.

This is a global message.

A message from the heart of Canada, to everyone, in every country, city & town all around the world. A message in every single one of the 297 languages spoken by our peoples everywhere.

This is an open-source message.

Every thing in this site is free & open to the Public across the world. Complete source files of the entire project are available to download and re-use.

Artists, Nations, Designers, Schools, Painters, Companies, Musicians, Filmmakers, Kids & Adults, simply put everyone is invited to take this free message and make it their own. We collectively have the power to make global PEACE a reality.

Let’s spread peace
across the world.